2024 Election Results


The Nomination & Elections Committee is excited to announce the results of the 2024 ConnAPA General Election! President-Elect: Sheyla MarrancaSecretary: Alexis CardinaliDirector at Large: Tricia Marriott, Dennis Brown, Ana Eliza […]

Candidates for 2024 Elections Announced!


The candidates for the ConnAPA’s 2024 election cycle have declared themselves, and the Nomination & Election Committee has met to decide upon the candidates for endorsement. Considerations of the Committee […]

2024 PA of the Year


On March 25, 2024, ConnAPA President Sarah Adams, and Director at Large Adam Olsen had the honor of presenting PA Paul Possenti as ConnAPA’s 2024 PA of the Year. The […]

ConnAPA is seeking future PA leaders!


Are you interested in working to strengthen our profession? Consider joining the ConnAPA Board of Directors! Information on available positions and responsibilities are here. If you do not think you […]

2023 ConnAPA PA of the Year


At this year’s Annual Business Meeting, conducted during the Charter Oak Conference at the Mystic Marriott, ConnAPA President Johanna D’Addario bestowed the honor of PA of the Year upon Michael […]