ConnAPA is currently seeking candidates for the 2025 elections! Click HERE to apply.
Elections Timeline
- February 1: Open-call for candidates.
- March 1: All candidate submissions are due.
- March 15: Deadline for non-members of ConnAPA to join to be eligible to vote in general election.
- April 1: Candidates and endorsements are announced to the membership and campaigning begins.
- May 1: Voting begins at 12:01am for contested positions.
- May 15: Voting ends at 12:00pm and results are reviewed by the elections committee and shared with the President. Candidates are contacted.
- Results are announced to the membership by the close of the next business day.
Applications must be submitted before 11:59pm on March 1, 2025. Positions open for election this year and basic requirements are as follows (click the position title for details):
- A 3 year term, rising to President and then Immediate Past President in years 2 and 3
- Must have served at least two years on the Board of Directors (not necessarily the last two years)
- Must be a Fellow member of ConnAPA
- Must be a Fellow member of the AAPA
- A 2 year term
- Must be a Fellow member of ConnAPA
- Must be a Fellow member of the AAPA
Director-at-Large (4)
- A 2 year term, with a two consecutive term limit
- Must be a Fellow, Affiliate, Honorary or Retired member of ConnAPA
Delegate (AAPA House of Delegates) (4)
- Represent the Connecticut Delegation at the annual AAPA House of Delegates
- Must be an AAPA Fellow Member
- See HOD 101 from the AAPA