ConnAPA Advocacy

The Connecticut Academy of PAs has a very active Legislative Committee. Over the decades, this committee has worked hard to ensure that PAs have the ability to provide unencumbered access to care for the patients of Connecticut.

  • The Legislative Committee is led by ConnAPA members that volunteer their time to:
  • Hear member concerns about practice issues they are encountering
  • Identify statutory issues that inhibit patient access to care or burden PAs and their practices administratively
  • Create solutions to noted problems
  • Work with stakeholders to identify problems and solutions
  • Act as a resource to members for questions they may have

The Legislative Committee is supported by Rome, Smith, Kowalski, the hired lobbying firm working on behalf of ConnAPA members. Year round they maintain a presence at the Capitol, ensuring that PAs are included in conversations and are appropriately represented. They work in coordination with the Legislative Committee to achieve the goals set each year, while handling any issues that arise during the legislative sessions.

A sampling of advocacy achievements:


Public Act 23-97 which for the first time enacts limitations on covenants not to compete for PAs in Connecticut.


Public Act 22-103 which allows PAs to certify conditions eligible for Connecticut’s Medical Cannabis Program.

Public Act 22-58 which ensures PA inclusion in the ability to supervise medical assistants in the administration of immunizations.

Public Act 22-19 allows PAs to now have the ability to provide both medication and aspiration abortions.


Public Act 21-196 which adds PAs to 77 areas of statute that did not already include PAs

Public Act 21-121 which among other technical changes, now allows PAs to order home health and hospice services


Public Act 19-144 which changes the “dependent” relationship with physicians to a “collaborative” one


Public Act 18-168 which removes the previous 6:1 physician to PA supervision ratio

Participation in the scope of practice review regarding changes to PA statutes that would eliminate administrative burden and increase access to care


Public Act 17-146 creates a statutory work group to investigate the workforce shortage on mental health providers, the work group is stipulated to have a participating PA who practices psychiatry

Public Act 17-234 allows PAs to issue orders for phlebotomists to administer IV saline flushes


Participation in the scope of practice review regarding a definition of “surgery” resulted in no introduction of a bill to define the term, protecting the ability for PAs to continue to practice to the fullest extent of the training and education


Public Act 15-88 which ensures that PAs are included as a “Telehealth provider”


Public Act 14-119 which ensures that PAs can continue to operate medical spas

Public Act 14-231 which removes the requirement for a supervising physician and associated information to be printed on prescriptions written by PAs


Public Act 12-37 which created a delegation agreement concept for PAs and eliminated a set schedule of face to face meetings with supervising physicians, allowing for flexibility at the practice level


Public Act 11-242 which among other changes, ensures that licensed practical nurses shall execute the orders of PAs


Public Act 10-117 which specifies that nurses shall execute the orders of PAs


Public Act 09-232 which allows the use of fluoroscopy by PAs


Public Act 08-184 which ensures the ability for PAs to prescribe durable medical equipment


Public Act 07-119 which eliminated the need for the registration of supervising physicians with DPH

Public Act 07-252 which establishes title protection for PAs


Public Act 03-158 which allows PAs to be shareholders in a corporation


Public Act 95-74 which establishes a mandate for insurance providers to cover all services provided by PAs


Public Act 90-211 which established licensure for PAs in Connecticut and the ability for PAs to prescribe medications, including controlled substances.


Public Act 89-389 which authorizes a study to investigate the feasibility of PA licensure in Connecticut.