ConnAPA Announces 2018 PA of the Year


Dan Mussen (center) with President Deanna Zimkus (left) and President-elect Mick Devanney (right)

On June 12, 2018, ConnAPA held it’s annual meeting of the membership. During that meeting, outgoing President Deanna Zimkus awarded Dan Mussen, the honor of PA of the Year for 2018. Dan has been a primary care PA in CT for over 40 years. He is a Past President of ConnAPA and was instrumental in licensure for PAs in our state.

This year was a turning point legislatively in Connecticut. Dan has worked many hours and burned gallons of midnight oil to help ConnAPA in that effort. The Legislative committee is made up of a small group of dedicated individuals. Dan dropped everything to be at meetings with legislators with short notice when other members of the Board were unable to attend. Like a boy scout, Dan was always well prepared for these meetings with supporting documentation and well worded answers to pointed questions.

Dan authored SB 300, which was the bill outlining collaboration to replace supervision and delegation in the PA practice act. Dan managed to do all this while caring for his ailing father and helping to care for his three grandchildren.

Furthermore, Dan is always amiable and easy to talk to. His extensive knowledge of statutes and the history behind them related to our profession never ceases to amaze us. It’s been a privilege to work alongside him for the past few years. I cannot think of an individual more deserving of this award.