Julia Vanasse, PA-C

Candidate for Director at Large
Endorsed by the Nomination & Elections Committee


My journey to become a PA began in 2014 when I was graciously accepted into the Quinnipiac University Entry-Level Master’s Physician Assistant (ELMPA) program. After 4 years of undergraduate classes balanced with patient care hours- predominately as an EMT but also as a Pharmacy Technician- my classmates and I went on to the Graduate PA program. I officially graduated in October of 2020 after an unexpected, 2-month delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in January of 2021 I entered the workforce as a primary care PA. In August of 2022, I made a job transition into outpatient, noninvasive cardiology where I still work today. My passion for preventative medicine and continuity of care have carried over into this position. I have also worked per diem in urgent care, and am an adjunct faculty member at Quinnipiac University where I help teach lab and proctor some exams.

This past year, I have become more involved in ConnAPA by helping with the newsletter and, more recently, serving as co-chair for the Student Engagement Committee. It has been a great experience getting to know the other board members, and I have gained a sincere appreciation for all of the “behind the scenes” time and effort that goes into this organization and all of its proceedings. I am looking forward to remaining involved and helping to foster the growth and development of the organization for the foreseeable future! 

Platform Statement

As I have become more involved with ConnAPA over the last year, I have gained even more of an appreciation for the organization and the people who are a part of it. I am looking forward to staying involved in the organization, certainly on the Student Engagement Committee but also in any other way that will help foster the goals and development of the organization. I hope to bring continued passion, commitment, and hard work to this team role of Director at Large. Thank you in advance for your consideration!