
  • The term of office of the Treasurer shall be two years and will be open to election on opposite years as the Secretary.
  • The responsibilities of the Treasurer shall include but are not limited to:
  1. With the President, President-Elect and Executive Director, present the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
  2. With the President and President-Elect, review the ConnAPA investment policy and report annually to the Board if changes are needed.
  3. Serve as Chair of the Audit and Financial Review Committee.
  4. Be familiar with all aspects of ConnAPA finances
  5. Ensure that complete and accurate records of the supporting documentation for income and expenses of the organization are maintained.
  6. Sign checks in order to pay invoices.
  7. Advise the Board of the financial implications of actions being contemplated by the Board or committees.
  8. Provide a report of the income and expenses of the organization at each Board meeting.
  9. Work with Executive staff and professional accounting firm to provide a report of the financial position and fiscal management of the organization annually.
  10. Ensure that records of the property assets of the organization are maintained.
  11. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Board.
  12. Attend all Board and Academy business meetings.