Activities and Services
Legislative Representation
ConnAPA’s Legislative Committee continually reviews current and pending legislation that affects the profession. Initiatives and strategies are organized to represent the interest of PAs in Connecticut.
Continuing Medical Education
ConnAPA is known for its high quality CME programs which are offered several times a year. Respected medical professionals are invited to speak on medical topics, procedures and issues. The Academy’s major Annual Conference, Charter Oak, offers over 30 Category One CME credits.
Members attend the Conference at reduced rates. Stand alone, CME dinners are offered at little or no cost to current members throughout the year.
ConnAPA’s newsletter is the primary source of information for PAs in Connecticut. The publication and periodic news briefs cover professional developments in the state and nation, the activities of the Academy and its members, and current medical and career information.
The Academy’s conferences, publications and committee activities provide opportunities for PAs from throughout the region to meet both professionally and socially.
An experienced PA, a member of Conn-APA, is available to assist members who have reimbursement issues.
Leadership Opportunities Members are invited to play a role in the future of the PA profession by becoming a part of ConnAPA’s leadership. They are also encouraged to pursue leadership opportunities on the national level.
Public Relations/Public Education
The Academy actively promotes the concept of the physician assistant as an important member of the health care team and works to increase the profession’s visibility to the public, other health care workers and health care organizations.
Professional Practices
An experienced PA, a member of Conn-APA, is available to assist members who have questions involving PA practice.
Student Support
ConnAPA is invested in the future of the PA profession and is active in student recruiting efforts. The Academy works closely with students in a variety of ways supporting the Connecticut PA Foundation, which provides PA scholarships; seating student representatives on the Board; providing financial assistance for the national conference; and providing job and practice information for Connecticut.
Impairment Support Information
ConnAPA’s Impairment Committee provides confidential assistance and educational information regarding substance abuse.
Web Site
ConnAPA’s web site is the source for all current regulations pertinent to PA practice in CT as well as for CME information.